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Monday, April 26, 2004

F the Fing Fers!

What do you think your fascist receptivity is? Take this quick historical quiz and find out. Although you'll probably find that you're a good old red-blooded American, not too liberal, not too fascist, there are two other interesting parts to this page. First, a section defines the variables in the questions, so you can self-analyze yourself further to see, for example, how exagerrated your concerns about sex are. The second interesting thing is that it is actually possible to score "Liberal Airhead." Beautiful, just beautiful. Only downside: No way to score Libertarian. If you want to be assured of your Libertarian-ness, or other-ness, feel free to take the world's smallest political quiz. Don't worry, you can't score "fascist" on this one, no matter how hard you try.
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