- Schaivo
- Drudge
- Ayric - "Just because I don't say
something doesn't mean
I don't mean it" - OddTodd

My mutant power is helping people waste time more efficiently! Quality procrastination since 1995.
Tuesday, April 20, 2004
Some Little Ones
Guess the Dictator or Sitcom Character - answer the yes or no questions, and this will guess what sitcom character or dictator you are pretending to be. Sometimes amazing results, and some Duh results. Your mileage may vary. Highway: 3.5/5 City: 2/5
From Rinkworks (Not all of which is funny):
- I Think Thoughs on everything from bonus rutabegas to shopping robots, with catching butter in a net in between. 184 2-minute chuckles rarely updated so you can feel a sense of completion after about an hour.
- Book-A-Minute and Movie-A-Minute - Very funny synopses (?) of SF/F books, classics, bedtime stories, and movies. Favorites: The Two Towers, "(Gandalf frees THEODEN and overthrows SARUMAN. A bunch of IRRELEVANT stuff happens. Then the PLOT starts up again.)" and Interveiw with the Vampire: "Angst." Feeling "In the Know" and smart in regard to books you've read factor: 4/5
- Computer Stupidities - Hmm. This is not a small one. This page can entertain techies for upwards of four hours. But don't read the programming ones. They make everyone feel dumb except for Steffan. Much like redneck jokes, if you're allergic to computers, this is only going to hurt your feelings. Thank God my job is not in tech support factor: 5/5
Part of my rigid policy is to only list things I have gone through THOROUGHLY, and have judged to be A-1 quality. That said, a few more things look pretty good, so here's a few Mystery Meat clickables from rinkworks:
Could this be funny?
Bitter, Jaded? Yes!
This one _looks_ like chicken, but it doesn't *smell* like chicken
Fudd h4xor!
Pick me! One owner, low miles!
Someday, somewhere, someone will ask me to find a compendium of Quentin Tarantino scripts. Luckily, I, as helpdesk to the world, am one up. And if you're looking for a totally different script, don't worry, I've still got you covered. Yes, TV too. (Use the old navigation page, upper left graphic. The new one sucks.) Trying to remember a word or two in the "good lines" so you can Alt+F to find the best quotes factor: 4/5
What kind of loser would scan in their own doodles and post them online? We may mock the concept, but after seeing the product, we would all be forced to say:
That's a *doodle*?!
and my personal favorite, HOLY CRAP!
Self-doodle-deprecation factor: 5/5
On the things-other-people-can-do-better-than-me front, you can find some amazing extreme Lego action here. Remember to follow the links on the bottom, especially the one that goes here. Mental Cost calculation and disbelief factors: 5/5
This is a fun little strategy game that rates a 4/5 but not a full write up.
These Interactive Illusions are pretty cool. I'm a perfectionist, though, I held a ruler up to the screen. (Note: Ayric beat me. Figures)
Okay. That exhausted my "favorites" list, so that's all for now. BTW, someone asked me today how I find all of this stuff. I just do. I can't help it, I just do. Sometimes, I'm looking things up, like Legos, or doodles, and I find cool things that way. But I really can't tell you what possesses me to look up Legos, or doodles. So, that's not really an answer, either.
From Rinkworks (Not all of which is funny):
- I Think Thoughs on everything from bonus rutabegas to shopping robots, with catching butter in a net in between. 184 2-minute chuckles rarely updated so you can feel a sense of completion after about an hour.
- Book-A-Minute and Movie-A-Minute - Very funny synopses (?) of SF/F books, classics, bedtime stories, and movies. Favorites: The Two Towers, "(Gandalf frees THEODEN and overthrows SARUMAN. A bunch of IRRELEVANT stuff happens. Then the PLOT starts up again.)" and Interveiw with the Vampire: "Angst." Feeling "In the Know" and smart in regard to books you've read factor: 4/5
- Computer Stupidities - Hmm. This is not a small one. This page can entertain techies for upwards of four hours. But don't read the programming ones. They make everyone feel dumb except for Steffan. Much like redneck jokes, if you're allergic to computers, this is only going to hurt your feelings. Thank God my job is not in tech support factor: 5/5
Part of my rigid policy is to only list things I have gone through THOROUGHLY, and have judged to be A-1 quality. That said, a few more things look pretty good, so here's a few Mystery Meat clickables from rinkworks:
Could this be funny?
Bitter, Jaded? Yes!
This one _looks_ like chicken, but it doesn't *smell* like chicken
Fudd h4xor!
Pick me! One owner, low miles!
Someday, somewhere, someone will ask me to find a compendium of Quentin Tarantino scripts. Luckily, I, as helpdesk to the world, am one up. And if you're looking for a totally different script, don't worry, I've still got you covered. Yes, TV too. (Use the old navigation page, upper left graphic. The new one sucks.) Trying to remember a word or two in the "good lines" so you can Alt+F to find the best quotes factor: 4/5
What kind of loser would scan in their own doodles and post them online? We may mock the concept, but after seeing the product, we would all be forced to say:
That's a *doodle*?!
and my personal favorite, HOLY CRAP!
Self-doodle-deprecation factor: 5/5
On the things-other-people-can-do-better-than-me front, you can find some amazing extreme Lego action here. Remember to follow the links on the bottom, especially the one that goes here. Mental Cost calculation and disbelief factors: 5/5
This is a fun little strategy game that rates a 4/5 but not a full write up.
These Interactive Illusions are pretty cool. I'm a perfectionist, though, I held a ruler up to the screen. (Note: Ayric beat me. Figures)
Okay. That exhausted my "favorites" list, so that's all for now. BTW, someone asked me today how I find all of this stuff. I just do. I can't help it, I just do. Sometimes, I'm looking things up, like Legos, or doodles, and I find cool things that way. But I really can't tell you what possesses me to look up Legos, or doodles. So, that's not really an answer, either.
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