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something doesn't mean
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My mutant power is helping people waste time more efficiently! Quality procrastination since 1995.
Thursday, May 20, 2004
The Birds.
Holy crap, I've been horrible about updating. Forgive me. Please? Well, I'm watching Laura Bush on Jay Leno. You would think it would be like watching a puma eat a puppy, but our First Lady is holding her own. She seems really sweet. Anyway. I wanted to let all of you know what happened to the baby birds in the field. The nest became a little hobby - I always wandered past it. I purposed to take a picture for all of you, and Ayric bought rechargables for my digital for the occassion. I went out one day, and two of the four eggs had hatched. The birds weren't, suprisingly enough, ugly. They were all very dark, and we all know that dark babies are MUCH cuter than light babies. Ayric and I peered at them, looking to see if they were alive. The two of them, immensely larger than the eggs from which they had recently emerged, quivered ever so slightly. We could see each and every heartbeat through their feathers. It was enchanting. They looked like they might melt if you touched them, dissolve into a little cloud of pixie dust and baby stars. It was one of God's little miracles, which we often fail to see in our little digital prisons.
I hoped for the best for these babies, knowing full well that feral birds tend to stay in the same area where they hatch for the rest of their lives. That's about a million craps on my car, not even counting offspring. Can you understand the immensity of such goodwill? Keeping in mind I have a black car?? I thought about taking out my expen to protect the nest, but when I went out the next day, the whole nest was gone, both eggs and both babies. I searched the field - does a bird move her babies like a cat? All that was left was one tiny fragment of one egg. I kicked myself for about three days for not saving them, raising them. The baby birds are gone to baby bird heaven, which I can only hope is very very far away from Black Car heaven.
I hoped for the best for these babies, knowing full well that feral birds tend to stay in the same area where they hatch for the rest of their lives. That's about a million craps on my car, not even counting offspring. Can you understand the immensity of such goodwill? Keeping in mind I have a black car?? I thought about taking out my expen to protect the nest, but when I went out the next day, the whole nest was gone, both eggs and both babies. I searched the field - does a bird move her babies like a cat? All that was left was one tiny fragment of one egg. I kicked myself for about three days for not saving them, raising them. The baby birds are gone to baby bird heaven, which I can only hope is very very far away from Black Car heaven.
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