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Tuesday, May 04, 2004
DVD Reveiw
Running out of things to order from Netflix? I highly reccommend Bullshit! with Penn and Teller. I ordered the first disk, which debunked the current rage, those people who talk to the dead, like John Edwards. The other episodes ranted and raved against alternative medicine, alien abductions, second hand smoke, the end of the world, and baby rearing products. Although there are some things that might offend me as a can I label myself whilst not using an actual label? Er, "Protestant" I suppose will do. Or perhaps, "Christian". Anyway, some things (including the incredible amounts of cussing) might offend, but to me, it's all made up by the thorough debunking of the "risks" of second hand smoke featuring everyone's favorite sage from south central, Larry Elder. I really had no idea that the whole "Second Hands Smoke" movement was all smoke and mirrors (hehe). Anyway, I'm going to be late to work. So, get yourself some Penn and Teller love and enjoy calling bullshit. (More to follow, this is dreadfully unfunny)
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