- Schaivo
- Drudge
- Ayric - "Just because I don't say
something doesn't mean
I don't mean it" - OddTodd

My mutant power is helping people waste time more efficiently! Quality procrastination since 1995.
Thursday, May 20, 2004
On Leno
Well, guess what you missed? While I was waxing poetic about baby birds, a comedian was on Leno. Holy crap, he was hilarious. If you ever flip channels and see Daniel Tosh performing - tune in. Here's just one that I can remember:
I think it's funny that all these rap stars that used to be gangsters and thugs are all upset that people are downloading music because it's "stealing." Excuse me, I almost choked on the *irony*. It's file sharing! And remember, when you're thinking about downloading music, as yourself, "What would Jesus do?" Jesus taught *sharing*!
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